We’d all love to use testimonials… they are powerful. However, the rules about using testimonials depends on how you are licensed. So, let’s just talk about the potential ways to use testimonials regardless of whether you are an RIA, registered rep or insurance professional.
Non-testimonial… testimonials
- Here’s the best testimonial that anyone can use… we had an annual summer barbeque as well as a winter Christmas light tours for my clients and their friends. At all of these events, we took HUNDREDS OF PICTURES!
- Then we took the pictures and created “collages” or murals with them. You can do this yourself or use one of the many services out there to do it for you.
- The only art on my waiting room wall, were these murals of hundreds of happy faces.
Inevitably when someone would come in, they would find at least two or three happy faces that they knew… can you beat that for a testimonial?