Tag Archives: marketing

Breaking News… Are You Ready?

Timing is everything.  How’s your timing?  If there are events in the news that cause large amounts of money to move quickly.  Do you have a plan to capitalize on them? Are you prepared to send a postcard or email … Continue reading

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Fun Way to Get People to Return Your Calls!

Have you ever been in a situation where you keep trying to reach someone and they either don’t answer or don’t return your calls?  Try tickling their funny bones.  This has been my go-to method a couple times when I … Continue reading

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3 Things People Need BEFORE Making a Purchase

Validation:  People want to know they are doing the right thing.  There are a number of ways you can help alleviate this worry.  The best thing to do is to give them a case study of their personal situation.  You … Continue reading

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Are You Answering the Right Question?

Our prospects are more skeptical than ever. Every year, hundreds of thousands of marketing messages are sent to them, all of which promise more than the last. How can you overcome their doubt? A study in the Harvard Business Review … Continue reading

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Get Your Letters Read

In the era of Twitter and 140 characters, a lot of people will glance at a letter on letterhead and decide to give it a quick read before discarding it.  How can you actually slow them down so that they … Continue reading

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How to make your Whitepaper powerful

To make your whitepaper as effective as possible, whitepaper expert Gordon Graham identified the following criteria: Follow-up with the people who reach out to you with inquiries regarding the content in the whitepaper.  I realize this seems basic, but if … Continue reading

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Interested in Getting Lucky?

There has been a lot of research done on LUCK.  According to research by the world’s foremost expert on luck (Richard Wiseman)—If you implement these things, people become an average of 40% luckier! Don’t just think about these things!  That’s … Continue reading

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Do This Be…”CAUSE!”

What is your “cause?” Do you know how much money it’s worth for a company to align itself with breast cancer awareness?  Billions.  And it works for more than just breast cancer awareness.  Aligning your company with a cause has … Continue reading

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How Does Your Company’s Name Affect You?

What I’m about to say may upset some advisors… but hear me out before you judge.What is the name of your business?  Does it have retirement… wealth management… financial advisor… or something similar in it?  If it does, what do … Continue reading

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This Makes People Smile… and Pick up the Phone When You Call

Nothing happens until you are conversing with your target prospect.  If they are ignoring your marketing, emails, flyers, seminars, webinars… essentially giving you the palm… how do you bust through?  The best way to lower someone’s defenses is to get … Continue reading

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